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Latest announcements and presence of ITMO Ltd in the News.

ITMO-Kevin Conrad-LSEG

VIDEO: Coalition for Rainforest Nations Executive Director, Kevin Conrad, Talks about Suriname’s ITMOs Issuance

(Climate Investment Summit) — July 15, 2024 — Kevin Conrad, Executive Director, Coalition for Rainforest Nations was on a panel at the Climate Investment Summit 2024 to discuss Suriname’s first ITMOs issuance and how the country successfully achieved that. The panel “Building Credible Pathways: Navigating Carbon Markets with Impact and Integrity” was organised with the London Stock Exchange and included Adrian Rimmer, Director, Sustainable Finance and Investment, LSEG Markets, London Stock Exchange Group; Nigel Howorth, Partner, Clifford Chance LLP; and Audrey Goldstein, Director, Carbon Market Development, Standard Chartered Bank. Kevin was also interviewed and the Video can be seen here (LINK). #ITMOs #CarbonCredits #ITMO


VIDEO: Suriname Environment Minister, Marciano Dasai Launches the World’s First ITMOs at the London Stock Exchange

(Climate Investment Summit) — June 26, 2024 — The world’s first Sovereign Carbon ITMOs under Article 6 were launched by Suriname at the London Stock Exchange during the Climate Investment Summit 2024. The Suriname Environment Minister, Marciano Dasai, officially communicated this via video (LINK) in front of several hundreds of corporations and investors. In it he also discussed how the private sector can buy these historic ITMOs, what the money will be used for and how it can benefit to Suriname’s sustainable economic growth. #ITMOs #CarbonCredits #ITMO #biodiversity #SDGs #ParisAgreement #Article6

ITMO and its Law Firm, Clifford Chance win Best Environmental Protection Award

(Legal500) — April 25, 2024 — Clifford Chance won Best Law Firm Advisory Team on its Environmental Protection work with ITMO Ltd and the Coalition for Rainforest Nations. This category recognises the best ESG initiative in the UK Legal Market on environmental protection matters. Judges looked for evidence of involvement in the most innovative or complex environmental protection work, and considered work across the whole spectrum of practice areas, including environmental litigation. The initiative/paper “SOVEREIGN REDD+ MECHANISM UNDER ARTICLES 5 AND 6 OF THE PARIS AGREEMENT” aimed to explain, in a simple manner, how Sovereign Carbon Credits from Rainforest countries under Article 5 fit into Article 6 of the Paris Agreement Carbon Market, and how they can be used by the private sector and investors.


Climate Finance: Key to Saving Rainforests and Keeping Temperatures in Check

(Environmental + Energy Leader) — DECEMBER 14, 2023 — Winning climate finance continues to challenge the Global South, nations that want to develop but that contribute minimal CO2. After COP28, some hope emerged. It centers on the green bond, which emerging countries can issue and guarantee a payback to investors through carbon credit sales. I spoke to two investment bankers who have come out of retirement to ensure that the developing world gets the money it needs to keep its rainforests standing and create 21st-century jobs. The alternative is giving farmers, miners, palm oil companies, and lumberers more access to those lands, allowing them to cut down the trees that absorb carbon dioxide.

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